I have loved business since I was 6 years old and I set up my first kool-aid stand at the Edison Community Park near my home in Washington state. During elementary school, I sold everything from candy bars to magazines to homemade Christmas wreaths. In high school, I worked in the farmers' fields picking berries and on my family's commercial salmon fishing boat where I was pretty much the only girl in the entire industry. After high school, I attended Brigham Young University where I earned a BFA in Illustration and set out to begin a freelance design and illustration career. At BYU I met and married my husband Jeff. We have been married for nearly 24 years and have 5 great kids. While my freelance work was rewarding I realized that there were more interesting opportunities in business. We tried and failed many times but were committed to owning our own business. Eventually, we found an idea that worked and built a successful multi-million dollar online business. We really enjoyed the creative problem-solving challenges that building and operating a successful business brings.
After we sold our business in 2017, Jeff and I were approached about dozens of other investment opportunities. We wanted to put our money to work in a diversified way so along with investing in the stock market and real estate, we also wanted to invest in businesses. The deal flow often came through Jeff and his network but since we are equal partners in all decision making, I was always brought into the pitch meetings and investment discussions. I was surprised to see that I was almost always the only woman in the room. This included all potential investors as well as the executive teams of the companies we were looking to invest in. It seemed like there could be a potential for a lack of perspective in these growing companies. I found that being the only woman was a bit intimidating and I thought it would sure be nice to have other women in the room. I am surrounded by smart, capable women in all areas of my life so I was certain there were other women like me out there who wanted to be a part of these investment meetings and opportunities. So I set out to found a venture capital group made up primarily of women. Our mission is to identify strong investment opportunities, understand the process of investing in private enterprises, and lead in the growth strategy of these companies.
So, I am looking for women and investors of all ages, educational levels, backgrounds, and socio-economic situations who have a passion for business. If that's you, give me a call, and let's find some great investment opportunities together!
Some of my other passions include family, tennis, travel, hiking, reading, art, and almost anything outdoors.
-Amy Davis
